[Stellenangebote] WG: [Frauen-inform] Deadline extended - Professur (W3) Mobile Graphics an der BUW Weimar

Frauenbeauftragte MI frauenbeauftragte at mi.fu-berlin.de
Do Jan 4 12:29:57 CET 2024

Liebes Team,

zunächst wünsche ich Ihnen ein gesundes und glückliches neues Jahr.

U.a. eMail zur Kenntnisnahme.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sera Renée Zentiks
(Pronomen: sie/she)

Freie Universität Berlin
FB Mathematik/Informatik
- dezentrale Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte -
Arnimallee 14
14195 Berlin

Die Geschlechtsidentität von Menschen ist weder aus dem Aussehen noch aus dem Namen verlässlich abzuleiten. Gerne können Sie mir in Ihren E-Mails mitteilen, wie ich Sie ansprechen darf.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Frauen-inform <frauen-inform-bounces at informatik.uni-hamburg.de> Im Auftrag von Eva Hornecker
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2024 11:48
An: frauen-inform at informatik.uni-hamburg.de
Betreff: [Frauen-inform] Deadline extended - Professur (W3) Mobile Graphics an der BUW Weimar

https://www.uni-weimar.de/en/university/news/job-openings/m-wp-14-23/  deadline extended until end of January!

full Professorship (W3) in 'Mobile Graphics' (which we interpret as Computer Graphics, focused on mobile scenarios, with ideally an emphasis on applications or software of interest to our Human-Computer Interaction students) 

Applicants need a strong Computing background (there's teaching duties for our bachelor), especially concerning algorithms. We hope this position to strengthen our Visual Computing speciality, and in particular to contribute to HCI teaching. Our students all have to do 2 group research projects during studies, as well as the theses project, so interesting work (and teaching) can be combined with teaching (and often, publications or research ideas grow from these). 

There is opportunity to collaborate with people in Arts & Design, or Architecture, and for interdisciplinary teaching projects, all of which may be of extra interest to people in Computer Graphics. 

I would be very happy to have another female Professor in our small department (or nb, or trans, or non-German, or ... ) - my colleagues are lovely, but we do lack diversity. So please forward this link (as well as my name as someone to approach for questions) to potential applicants! 

If you forward to people outside of the German system, it could be interesting information, that W3 Positions in Germany come with teaching assistant positions attached to it, so there will be 2 posts for PhD students that support teaching and research, there also is a lab space. 

Weimar is a great place to live. BUW is a small university, at the founding place of the Bauhaus movement, with a vibrant cultural scene and a full event calendar (its also a tourist city). 

My working day may not be your working day. Please don’t feel obliged to reply to this e-mail outside of your normal working hours

Professor Eva Hornecker (Dr. / PhD)   (she/her)   
Lehrstuhl Human-Computer Interaction

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fak. Medien
Schwanseestraße 143
D-99427 Weimar

Tel. 00 49 3643 58 3887

eva at ehornecker.de                  eva.hornecker at uni-weimar.de
http://www.ehornecker.de         http://www.uni-weimar.de/medien/hci


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