[Stellenangebote] Business Travel Hackathon NDC IATA, Berlin 27.-29. Mai

Lutz Prechelt prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Di Mai 24 16:44:59 CEST 2016



From: Guadalupe [mailto:guadalupe at bemyapp.com] 
Sent: Dienstag, 17. Mai 2016 11:47
To: prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Subject: Invitation to the Business Travel Hackathon: NDC IATA


Dear Lutz,

I would like to invite you and your students from Freie Universitat to The IATA New Distribution Capability (NDC) Hackathon taking place in Berlin from Friday May 27th to Sunday May 29th, 2016. 

This three-day event competition is aimed at enhancing business-travel experience using New Distribution Capability (NDC) standards and  alongside data provided by British Airways, SITA, Timatic Autocheck and LinkedIn. 

I believe this is a great learning opportunity for students purusing the progrm in Computer Science to network with their peers and benefit from listening to the vast and potential opportunities business travel can present. This will be a rare chance to learn and play with industry experts’ onsite who will provide their technology (APIs) for attendees. There’ll be up to $12,000 in cash prizes, don't miss out!

Interested students, faculty and staff members can register with the following link - http://ndchack.bemyapp.com/. <http://ndchack.bemyapp.com/?utm_source=university/learning%20institution%20&utm_medium=email%20&utm_content=&utm_campaign=iataadwords> 
Do you think you could spread the word to your students and pertinent community members? 
We hope to count you in and please do not hesitate to contact me for further information. 


(+33) 06 21 97 12 61
The IATA New Distribution Capability (NDC) Hackathon  <http://ndchack.bemyapp.com/?utm_source=university/learning%20institution%20&utm_medium=email%20&utm_content=&utm_campaign=iataadwords> 


Guadalupe Delagarza

Communication Manager | BeMyApp

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