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<font face='Lucida Grande' size='4'><b>*** FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS ***<br></b><br>24th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies:<br>Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2015)<br><br>15-17 June 2015, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus<br><br><a href="http://www.cyprusconferences.org/wetice2015/">http://www.cyprusconferences.org/wetice2015/</a><br></font><font face='Lucida Grande'><br></font><font face='Lucida Grande' size='4'>*** Extended Submission Deadline: 28 February 2015 ***<br></font><font face='Lucida Grande'><br>The IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure<br>for Collaborative Enterprises (<i>WETICE</i>) is an international forum for the<br>state-of-the-art research in enabling technologies for collaboration,<br>consisting of a number of related conference tracks.<br><br>The conference proceedings are published by IEEE Computer Society and<br>are also available online through the IEEE's Xplore digital library. The<br>proceedings will be submitted for indexing through INSPEC, Scopus,<br>Compendex, Thomson Reuters, DBLP, Google Scholar and EI Index.<br><br>The 24th WETICE edition, held on June 15-17, 2015 in Larnaca (Cyprus),<br>consists of a set of self-contained and self-managed tracks. The Program<br>Committee solicits the submission of papers to the following tracks:<br><br>• <b>ACEC</b> – Adaptive Computing (and Agents) for Enhanced Collaboration<br><br>• <b>AROSA</b> – Adaptive and Reconfigurable Service-oriented and Component-based Applications and Architectures<br><br>• <b>CAGing</b> – Collaborative and Autonomic Green Computing<br><br>• <b>CDCGM</b> – Convergence of Distributed Clouds, Grids and their Management<br><br>• <b>COPECH</b> – Collaboration tools for Preservation of Environment and CulturalHeritage<br><br>• <b>CPS</b> – Capacity driven Processes and Services for Cyber Physical Society<br><br>• <b>CSP</b> – Collaborative Software Processes<br><br>• <b>FISA</b> – Future Internet Services and Applications (formerly <i>PASCS</i> and<br> <i>PROMASC</i>)<br><br>• <b>FVSBS</b> – Formal Verification of Service Based Systems<br><br>• <b>MADYNE</b> – Management of Dynamic Networked Enterprises<br><br>• <b>VSC</b> – Validating Software for Critical Systems<br><br>• <b>Web2Touch</b> – Modeling the Collaborative Web Knowledge<br><br>Prospective authors are invited to use the links available at the <i>List of Tracks<br></i>page of the WETICE 2015 main website (www.wetice.org) to get detailed<br>information about the list of topics addressed by each single track.<br><br>The paper submission procedure is carried out using the <b><i>EasyChair<br>conference management</i> <i>system;</i></b> the link for submission is:<br><a href="https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wetice2015">https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wetice2015</a><br><br><u>IMPORTANT DATES<br></u><br>• <i>Submission deadline</i>: <b><i>February 28th, 2015 (extended)<br></i></b>• <i>Notification of acceptance</i>: <b><i>March 27th, 2015<br></i></b>• <i>Camera-ready submission</i>: <b><i>April 10th, 2015<br><br></i></b>Papers up to six (6) pages (including figures, tables and references) should<br>contain original contributions not published or submitted elsewhere and<br>are to be formatted according to the <b><i>IEEE template</i></b>, which is available at<br>the link:<br><a href="http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html">http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html</a><br><br>Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings published by the IEEE<br>Computer Society Press and will be archived in the IEEE digital library.<br><br><b>At least one author for each accepted paper should register and attend<br>WETICE 2015 to have the paper published in the proceedings.<br><br></b>Please contact the Program Chairs for any additional information or request.<br><br>Andrea D'Ambrogio (dambro@uniroma2.it)<br>Khalil Drira (khalil@laas.fr)<br>WETICE 2015 Program Chairs<br></font>
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