[jacorb-developer] _non_existent call hangs

Nick Cross jacorb at goots.org
Mon Mar 23 17:18:56 CET 2015

What version are you using? Can you provide a test case?



On 23/03/15 16:03, KRISHNAMURTHY, Sriram (Sriram) wrote:
> Hello
> While invoking a method on the Remote Object, I see that there is a _non_existent check.
> In cases where the remote node is abnormally terminated, I am seeing issues where the thread invoking _non_existent check doesn't return forever.
> Is this a known issue? Is there any attribute in the jacorb.properties that would fix this issue?
> The stack trace goes like below.
> Thread[PollerWorker [1],10,ServerService ThreadGroup]:{MaskedEntityId ( entity ID : masked entity ID: )=1}
>                   at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
>                   at org.jacorb.orb.giop.ReplyPlaceholder.getInputStream(ReplyPlaceholder.java:107)
>                   at org.jacorb.orb.ReplyReceiver.getReply(ReplyReceiver.java:388)
>                   at org.jacorb.orb.Delegate._invoke_internal(Delegate.java:1475)
>                   at org.jacorb.orb.Delegate.invoke_internal(Delegate.java:1244)
>                   at org.jacorb.orb.Delegate.invoke(Delegate.java:1232)
>                   at org.jacorb.orb.Delegate.invokeBuiltin(Delegate.java:2275)
>                   at org.jacorb.orb.Delegate.non_existent(Delegate.java:2223)
>                   at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._non_existent(ObjectImpl.java:61)
>                   at com.alu.nms.server.orb.imp.mediator.CorbaTmf814GmreSessions.getEMSSession(CorbaTmf814GmreSessions.java:259)
> Thanks
> Sriram
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