[jacorb-developer] Jacorb corbaloc call hangs when using Unlimited Strength JCE

Alka Nand alka.nand at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 18:10:24 CEST 2015

We have been using JACORB 3.0 with JCE with no problems for several years.
We use TLS and secure communications very extensively. Recently we decided
to upgrade to the Unimited strength JCE to make use of 256 bit ciphers.
Unfortunately we started seeing threads hanging when trying to connect with
a Server that is down - cannot be pinged. I have the corba timeout set to
30 seconds and before we upgraded to unlimited strength JCE it would always
timeout after 30 secs.

We have a Monitor set up that has a thread pool that tries to periodically
connect to the various server. After running for about 2-3 hours I saw that
one of the threads got stuck while trying to connect. There were 3 servers
that were down and in the same ping cycle all the three client threads
trying to connect to these TAO servers got stuck.

On doing a pstack it looks like the threads are stuck at this point

I would really appreciate any input regarding this issue. As I said we are
using Jacorb 3.0 and our server are running TAO. In any case this is
happening only when the server is down.


-----------------  lwp# 44642  --------------------------------
 ff2cd78c lwp_cond_wait (1a68448, 1a68430, 5f57ece8, 0)
 ff2b47bc _lwp_cond_timedwait (1a68448, 1a68430, 5f57ed70, ff2b4640,
13bd54, ffffffff) + 1c
 fea0c2a0 __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6Mx_i_ (1a68400, 8df78, feca0066,
fed20000, 8df6c, 0) + 28c
 fe2445e4 __1cNObjectMonitorGEnterI6MpnGThread__v_ (17104a0, 1d02400, 1f40,
fedf05bc, fedf05f8, 1d02400) + 224
 fe1939c4 __1cNObjectMonitorFenter6MpnGThread__v_ (17104a0, 1d02400,
fedf05dc, 2, 1d04390, 1d048d0) + 3ec
(5f57efe0, 5f57f058, 1, 1d02400, 8dc00, 1a60aec) + a8
(1d02400, 5f57f058, 1d06c40, 1a60aec, fed20000, 79e54908) + 288
 fbc1b078 * *sun/security/ssl/SSLContextImpl.getDefaultCipherSuiteList(Z)Lsun/security/ssl/CipherSuiteList;+4
(line 568)*
 fbc06748 *
(line 1139)
 fbc06a84 *
(line 1842)
 fbc06a84 *
(line 146)
 fbc06748 *
(line 446)
 fbc06748 *
(line 122)
 fbc072e0 * org/jacorb/orb/iiop/ClientIIOPConnection.createSocket(J)V+349
(line 584)
 fbc06a84 *
(line 259)
 fc071064 *
[compiled] +213 (line 2
 fbf7d42c *
[compiled] +29 (line 1972)
 fbf7d42c *
(line 618)
 fbf7d42c *
line 571)
 fbf84ecc *
g/omg/CORBA/portable/InputStream; [compiled] +448 (line 2648)
 fbf46980 *
/omg/CORBA/portable/InputStream; [compiled] +7 (line 2304)
 fbeabbfc *
] +6 (line 2280)
 fbeabbfc *
(line 4055)
 fbeabbfc *
(line 3660)
 fbfc22b0 * *org/omg/CORBA/portable/ObjectImpl._is_a(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
[compiled] +7 (line 260)
 fbc070f4 *
ssionFactory_I;+21 (line 110)
 fbc06748 * com/tellabs/ems/idlneadapter/EMSSession.establishSession()V+411
(line 1625)
 fbc06a84 *
(line 536)
 fbc06a84 * com/tellabs/ems/idlneadapter/IPTVNEMonitorThread.run()V+277
(line 232)
 fbc0761c * java/lang/Thread.run()V+11 (line 1489)



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