[jacorb-developer] Notification Server Question

KRISHNAMURTHY, Sriram (Sriram) sriram.krishnamurthy at alcatel-lucent.com
Thu Jan 8 19:47:26 CET 2015


I have a Jacorb Notification Server that is started with an event channel (via ntfy and -channels 1). This is a separate process (P1).

I have a Push Consumer extending StructuredPushConsumerPOA  that is listening on the event channel. This is from a different process(P2).

My question is if the Notification Server (P1) is killed, will P2 get notified by the CORBA infrastructure? How do you get to know that the Event Channel you are consuming from is not there any longer? Should I write something myself or is there a way the CORBA infrastructure lets me know of such mishaps.

I don't see the disconnect_structured_push_consumer, implemented in the class extending StructuredPushConsumerPOA, being called.

Am I missing something? Can someone help on this?


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